Notice of Annual General Meeting Edmonton’s Indigenous Business & Professional Association (AKSIS)
Pursuant to the Bylaws, registered with Corporate Registry on December 8, 2010 and amended as of November 8, 2021, in Edmonton, Alberta, notice is herby given that the Annual General Meeting of AKSIS will be held on:
DATE:Wednesday, June 14, 2023 DATE HAS BEEN UPDATED TO JULY 13, 2023
LOCATION: #300, 10055 106 Street, Edmonton, AB
TIME: 6:45 PM - 9:00 PM (Meeting Start: 7:00 PM)
This meeting is for the purpose of attending to the required business of AKSIS as outlined in the agenda (download below). An election of new Members of the Board will also take place.
For planning purposes, please advise if you will be attending via email at